On Thursday, September 24th, 2015 I present the paper “Queer Theology: Outlook, Assessment and Prospects” at the 10th Meeting “Diálogo Filosófico”: Thinking and Knowing God in the 21st Century, organized by the Institute of Iberian-American Thought of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.
Populism as Politics of Equivocism
On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 I give a lecture under the title “Populism as Politics of Equivocism” at the International Conference on Analogical Hermeneutics 2015, at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of Valladolid.
Being human matters. Against ethical individualism and the primacy of empathy as the main moral criterion
On Friday, February 18th, 2015, I contribute as a keynote speaker with my lecture “Being human matters. Against ethical individualism and the primacy of empathy as the main moral criterion” at the International Conference “Researching, Reflecting and Debating about Popular Bullfighting”, in Tordesillas (Valladolid, Spain).
Lecture in Belgrade – “Is it Possible to Teach Freedom? Paradoxes in the Education about Civic Values”
On Friday July, 3 2015, I have a lecture at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade (Serbia). “Is it Possible To Teach Freedom? Paradoxes in the Education about Civic Values. A Spanish Study Case” is the title of the lecture.
Seminar at the University of the Azores – Politics of Multiculturality
On June 11 and 12 (Thursday and Friday), 2015, I lecture about Politics of Multiculturality at the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of the Azores (Portugal).
Hommage to Rocío Orsi
On Friday, Marcha 22, 2015 I take part into a hommage to the late philosopher Rocío Orsi (1976-2014). The title of the hommage is “Rocío Orsi through her Work”, and it will take place at the CCHS-CSIC of Madrid. My contribution deals with her book “The Disenchantment as a Promise: Foundations, Reach and Limits of […]
Five Uses of Wittgenstein against Marxism
On Thurdady, May 21, 2015 I have a talk on “Five Uses of Wittgenstein against Marxism” at the Fifth Symposium of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (Internationale Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft) “Using Wittgenstein in Contemporary Philosophy”, at the Philosophy School of the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).
Book presentation in Valladolid: “Normativity, Interpretation and Praxis. Wittgenstein in a Hermeneutical-Nihilistic Turn”
On Friday, March 27, 2015, at 7:30 pm, we present my book Normativity, Interpretation and Praxis. Wittgenstein in a Hermeneutical-Nihilistic Turn, edited by the European University Miguel de Cervantes, at the Coco Café (plaza Federico Wattenberg, 1, Valladolid). We will enjoy the participation of Isidoro Reguera (philosopher, University of Extremadura), Óscar Puente (candidate for mayor […]
Roundtable – “Deconstructing Populisms”
On Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 6:00 pm I am invited to a roundtable with the journalist John Müller about “Deconstructing Populisms”, in the Symposium “Political parties: Where are They Going To?”, organized by the Law School of the University of Valladolid.
Social Networks Beyond Sociability
On Thursday, February 5th, 2015 I will contribute to the First Workshop for the Exchange of Good Teaching Practices presenting my “Social Networks Beyond Sociability: A Reflection on the Uses of Twitter for Teaching and Other Internet Resources”. The place for such an event is the European University Miguel de Cervantes at Valladolid (Spain).