Articles in Newspapers, Magazines and Websites
At the on-line newspaper The Objective I write an op-ed every second week since March 8, 2016, as well as other occasional contributions, like this interview to the Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro (May 11, 2023).
Some of those articles have been published as well by the World Economic Forum: Democracy is not what they told you at school and Who was (not) Martin Luther.
Two of these articles have been translated to French at the website Soverain: Quatre raisons pour lesquelles l’essor de Vox va se poursuivre (29 October 2018) and La gauche pédophraste (April 24, 2019).
Two of these articles have been translated to English: at the website DelibeRatio Is Christianity Over? (August 8, 2023) and at Rorate Caeli: Ten years of Pope Francis: lights, shadows and glooms (March 17, 2023).
I also publish on El Español op-eds that you can see in this page.
I have as well a regular contribution at the blog of Fundación Disenso.
The newspaper El País published in January 15, 2018 my obituary about the philosopher Mario Perniola. (A copy with higher resolution can be found here). Also in El País I have signed with other authors the text España en común, España plural (Spain in common, Plural Spain) in April 4, 2016 (here, the paper version of this article).
For the newspaper El Mundo I have written long op-eds on Philosophy is on fashion; is it good news? (you can get an image of the paper version here) and Against Transparence, both in 2019. I have also signed, with other authors, the manifesto Talking Bad about this Government: a Manifesto Against Submissivness, in 2020.
I published at the newspaper ABC tris op-ed on the case of plagiarism by the philosopher Manuel Cruz revealed by that very newspaper in 2019, while Cruz was the president of the Spanish Senate.
At the weekly supplement of ABC, Alfa y omega, I have published an op-ed under the title Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know (February 24, 2022). You may read it as well in PDF version.
I write for La Gaceta de la Iberosfera op-eds and for its cultural section, Ideas, as well.
The journal Naves en llamas (n. 17, March 2022) published my articl From the world as a supermarket to the society as a hospital (you may download here the whole issue).
I wrote op-eds for the Spanish on-line newspaper Vozpópuli between 2015 and 2016. The title for those contributions is Pólemos.
In the same on-line newspaper Vozpópuli I have written as well about the possibility of a “Clarity Act” for Catalonia (10/23/2015), on the different proposals on culture by the platforms of the main Spanish political parties (12/08/2015) at the election of December 20, 2015, on why the so-called “gender ideology” does not exist (12/24/2016) and a kind of manifesto called Against Dialogue (10/07/2017).
I have a contribution in the issue n. 3 of the magazine mEDium (ED Libros, Barcelona), devoted to the main theme “How to reconstruct the Spanish political right”: It’s the culture, stupid! (2019); and another one to the n. 6 of that magazine, devoted to “The big Spanish culture war” (2020): With permission of pandemia, is “culture war” the expression of the year?.
At the Global Square Magazine I have a long book review of Rod Dreher’s book The Benedictine Option, under the title of Religion at the Global Square.
At Red Floridablanca I have published For a Humble Liberalism (11/14/2018).
The online newspaper El Semanal Digital has also published one of my op-eds: Are there five million Communists in Spain?
I have debated about animalism in op-eds published in newspapers like El Mundo-Diario de Valladolid (Freedom and Truth) or Libertad Digital (Classical liberals and the animalist ideology). In this newspaper I have also published obituaries for the philosophers Roger Scruton and George Steiner.
In number 8 (May 2012) of the magazine Zapping Magazine I published a text titled Philosophizing in front of the TV set, into the section “TV Asessment”
I have also collaborated with the website DRS? No, thanks, with an article on Why the deposit-refund system ruins the idea that recycling is a duty.
For Páginas Digital I have written this short assessment of the manifesto published by Communion and Liberation for the Spanish elections of April 2019.
For the Bilbao newspaper El Correo I have written several op-eds about the Ethics of Journalism: e.g. about the limits of what we are allowed to see in TV or about privacy rights of famous people.
I also published at El Correo an obituary for Richard Rorty after his death in the summer of 2007; an obituary that an academic journal wanted to publish as well some time later
The Peruvian newspaper Expreso published in February 2005 a small reflection of mine about my favorite philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein
The cultural supplement Batuecas of the Salamanca newspaper Tribuna de Salamanca gave me the chance to expose some ideas about the relationship between Western and Indian Thought, at the time of the 2nd Spanish Indologist Conference at Salamanca (September 1997).
Under the title Liberalismo progresista (o por qué no es del todo aconsejable apellidar “liberal” a cualquiera que ansíe titularse como tal) you may find my contribution to the Liberal Meeting at the Athenaeum of Madrid in January 2009. Other participants in the same debate were Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera, Ana Torme and Fernando Maura.
I spent some years (2006-2015) as a member of a political party in Spain. One of the results of such an activity were some op-eds that I published in newspapers like ABC, Vozpópuli, El Mundo-Diario de Valladolid, El Norte de Castilla or La Gaceta Regional (Salamanca). I also translated a text of political content for the online newspaper Rebelión.
Newspaper Interviews
El Norte de Castilla: Los que queremos defender la civilización que hemos heredado debemos luchar, with some extra questions in video (July 20, 2024). Interview by Ignacio Foces. (Paper-printed version also available here).
El Purgatorio (The Objective): Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «Llevo a gala ser facha» (July 15, 2024). Interview by Carlos Padilla.
De fan a fan: Cine y filosofía con Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz (October 14, 2023). Interview by Ramiro González.
The Objective: Quintana Paz: «El PP no se ha ocupado de los valores, y el vacío lo ha llenado el progresismo» (August 13, 2023). Interview by David Mejía.
El Debate: Igualdad hombre-animal: 10 claves para entender por qué el animalismo es un problema (April 29, 2023). Interview by La Antorcha (also available in n. 2 of that magazine).
La Gaceta de la Iberosfera: Quintana Paz: «ISSEP proporciona las herramientas necesarias para triunfar en la esfera pública» (April 24, 2023). Interview by Agustín Benito.
Deliberatio: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “Cada vez más gente disconforme con el mundo se da cuenta de que en lo católico hay herramientas para hacer frente a los retos actuales” (March 27, 2023). Interview by Álvaro Peñas.
Deliberatio: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “More and more people who are dissatisfied with the world realise that catholicism has the tools to face today’s challenges” (March 27, 2023). Translation to English of the interview by Álvaro Peñas in the same journal.
La Voce del Patriota: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “Il cattolicesimo ha gli strumenti per affrontare le sfide di oggi” (March 28, 2023). Translation to Italian of the interview by Álvaro Peñas originally published in Deliberatio.
Demokracija: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “Katolištvo ima orodja, s katerimi se lahko spopade z današnjimi izzivi” (March 28, 2023). Translation to Slovenian of the interview by Álvaro Peñas originally published in Deliberatio.
Infocatolica: M. Ángel Quintana Paz analiza en profundidad las ciudades de 15 minutos y qué hay realmente detrás (March 24, 2023). Interview by Javier Navascués Pérez.
Vozpópuli: Miguel Ángel Quintana: “El PSOE heredó la autoridad moral que tuvo la Iglesia durante siglos. Es el ‘PSOE state of mind’” (October 2, 2022). Interview by Rubén Arranz.
Diario de España: Miguel Ángel Quintana: «Nosotros contamos con Aristóteles, Boecio y Balmes; ellos con Netflix, el Banco de Santander y la ONU» (September 9, 2022). Interview by David Muñoz López.
Cualia: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «Nos guste o no, la educación es un campo de batalla» (August 14, 2022). Interview by Guzmán Urrero.
Diario Judío: En torno a la cuestión judía (June 12, 2022). Interview by Antonio Escudero Ríos.
La Iberia: Quintana Paz: «Me encanta la capilla que tienen en el edificio de COPE: siempre la encuentro vacía» (April 22, 2022). Interview by Pablo Mariñoso.
El Debate: Quintana Paz: «Para el pensamiento ‘woke’, la reconciliación no existe» (February 16, 2022). Interview by José María Sánchez Galera.
Infovaticana: Quintana Paz: «Por muy en el siglo XXI que nos hallemos, sigue habiendo sed de lo sagrado» (February 10, 2022). Interview by Javier Arias.
Vozpópuli: Quintana Paz: “La cultura no puede ser el spa donde relajarse del estrés del capitalismo” (February 4, 2022). Interview by Víctor Lenore.
Okey Salamanca: Miguel Ángel Quintana, influencer del pensamiento: “Salamanca me enseñó que se puede vivir bien enraizado en lo propio y abierto a todo el mundo” (January 17, 2022). Interview by Fidel Mateos.
Aleteia: Guerra cultural: Tiene que haber gente que articule y actualice el legado cristiano (August 30, 2021). Interview by Vidal Arranz.
La Voz de Córdoba: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz, filósofo: “Necesitamos nuevas élites con urgencia” (August 22, 2021). Interview by Rafael González.
The Last Journo: Quintana Paz: «Los historiadores se divertirán mucho analizando esta época» (August 10, 2021). Translation to Spanish of the interview by Giulio Meotti in Italian.
El Confidencial: El filósofo de la sobrina de Le Pen: “Los gais deben inquietarse en España, no en Hungría” (July 4, 2021). Interview by Carlos Barragán.
Papel (La revista diaria de El Mundo): Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «La izquierda ha copado el discurso ambiental en beneficio propio» (June 17, 2021). Interview by Carlos Fresneda. Also available as a printed version and downloadable file here.
El Economista: Quintana Paz: «Nos han cebado durante décadas con un dinero que no teníamos para ahora trincharnos con el cuchillo de los impuestos» (June 14, 2021). Interview by Ignacio Faes. Also available in abridged version and as a downloadable file here.
The Objective: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «Se ha boicoteado un hospital, ¿qué será lo siguiente?» (April 22, 2021). Interview by Jorge Raya Pons.
La Controversia: Quintana Paz: “No podemos vivir apoyados en la nada” (April 3, 2021). Interview by Víctor Núñez Díaz.
Il Foglio Quotidiano: “Siamo una civiltà nichilista che vede nella morte una grande vittoria” (March 25, 2021). Interview by Giulio Meotti. Also available, as a downloadable file, here.
La Gaceta Regional: “Miguel Á. Quintana, exevaluador de los UWC. El aprendizaje en estos colegios se basa en la resolución de problemas” (February 19, 2021). Interview by R.D.L.
El Debate de Hoy: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «La polémica entre oficialistas y no oficialistas, entre católicos más progresistas y más tradicionales, es una trampa» (December 21, 2020). Interview by José María Sánchez Galera.
La Razón: La nueva izquierda sustituye la verdad por la bondad (November 22, 2020). Interview by Rebeca Argudo.
La Ilustración Liberal: ¿Amenaza nuestras libertades el capitalismo moralista? Entrevista a Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz (n. 82-83, spring-summer 2020). Interview by Isidoro Méndez.
El arte de (Conversaciones masculinas): El arte de la filosofía: “Las cosas del saber, como las del querer, no son sencillas” (September 16, 2020). Interview by Mariona Gúmpert & Esperanza Ruiz.
Madrid 365, Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “Madrid está repleto de historias por contar” (September 10, 2020). Interview by Juan Mas.
El Liberal, Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: «Hay que distinguir a los ofendiditos de los que se quejan por ofensas normales y corrientes» (July 13, 2020). Interview by Gisela Revelles.
Sin postureo, Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz: “La política de nuestra civilización se ha vuelto un tanto loca” (June 9, 2020). Interview for the series “Miradas ante la crisis del covid-19, organizadas por el Club Tocqueville”, by Josep Maria Francàs.
El Español, Quintana Paz: “Para manejarnos, Sánchez nos atemoriza e Iglesias nos engatusa con esperanzas” (May 11, 2020). Interview for the series “Pandemic Conversations”, by Lorena G. Maldonado.
El Mundo, En España tenemos un centroderecha bastante atontado (April 25, 2020). Interview by Darío Prieto for the series “Intellectuals and Spain”. Here is also the PDF version.
El Español, La educación católica hace que los jóvenes disfruten más del sexo (April 14, 2019). Interview by Lorena G. Maldonado for the series “Talk to me about sex”.
Páginas Digital, La crisis política es más devastadora que la económica (May 2015), Mucha gente agradecería una Iglesia que fuera menos una ONG o un museo de tradiciones inalteradas y fuera más un espacio de libertad (July 2015), Los terroristas fueron nihilistas (January 2016), Hay que ser firmes en la defensa de los valores que alentaron los años de la Transición (October 2016) Las ideas sobre género no están organizadas congruentemente (January 2018), Existe una desconexión entre nuestros problemas y el discurso político (June 2019). Interviews by Juan Carlos Hernández.
inBestia, Nuestros políticos no son extraterrestres, son como son porque la gente vota a esos y no a otros (June 12, 2019).
Círculo Holmes (Spanish Association of Friends of Sherlock Holmes), Entrevista a Miguel Ángel Quintana, on the book Reglas. Un ensayo de introducción a la hermenéutica de manos de Wittgenstein y Sherlock Holmes (December 8, 2017).
The Objective, Conoce nuestras firmas: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz (May 24, 2016). Interview by Ignacio Peyró.
El Norte de Castilla, En España estamos muy poco habituados a la pluralidad y eso es un problema para la libertad (March 15, 2014). Interview for the series “A dying world” by Vidal Arranz (web version, somewhat abridged, here).
Berria, Pertsonei grabatzen ari zarela esaten ez badiezu, inoiz ez da zilegi gratbatzea (March 2007). Interview by Urtzi Urkizu.