On July 18 and 19, 2019, at the European University Miguel de Cervantes of Valladolid (Spain), we celebrate the fourth edition of the summer course The Values of the Spanish Transition to Democracy, Today. We count for this edition with the same director and deputy directors as in the previous three editions: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo and Arcadi Espada.

The course tries to further the debate on how we can profit nowadays the same values that made the Spanish Transition to democracy possible. The list of participants of the course includes Victoria Prego (journalist), Maite Pagazaurtundua (MEP), María Blanco (professor), Jesús Quijano (professor), John Müller (journalist), Gregorio Luri (philosopher), Luis Argüello (spokesman of the Spanish Episcopal Conference and bishop of Valladolid), Jaume Vives (journalist), Un Tío Blanco Hetero (youtuber), Lorena G. Maldonado (journalist), Rafa Latorre (journalist), Helena Caballero (MP), Julio Valdeón Blanco (journalist) and the already cited deputy directors of the course, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo and Arcadi Espada. The opening ceremony will be chaired by Imelda Rodríguez Escanciano, president of the European University Miguel de Cervantes, and Adolfo Suárez Illana, MP; and the closing ceremony will be chaired as well by Imelda Rodríguez Escanciano, president of our university, and Juan José Laborda, former presidente of the Spanish Senate.

You can download the schedule of the course from here. Its location is the Casa Revilla, a medieval house right in the center of Valladolid. The cost for the audience is free: you just have to register at this link or sending an e-mail to cursosdeverano@uemc.es.

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